
Celebrating Neurodiversity - How ELATT Supports Inclusion


Neurodiversity Celebration Week shines a light on the importance of understanding and embracing neurological differences. This global initiative highlights the importance of understanding, recognising, and supporting neurodivergent individuals within our communities, schools, universities, and workplaces. By celebrating these differences, we can pave the way towards more inclusive and equitable cultures that not only recognise but also celebrate the unique talents and abilities of neurodivergent individuals. At ELATT, we're committed to this change, ensuring our students are equipped with the digital skills needed for today's workforce.

“Neurodiversity describes the different ways that we all think, move, hear, see, understand, process information, and communicate with each other.” *

Understanding Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity encompasses a range of neurological conditions, including autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and dyslexia, among others. The concept advocates for a shift in perspective, viewing these variations not as deficits but as natural and valuable diversity within the human brain. Despite this, neurodivergent individuals often face significant barriers and misconceptions, something Neurodiversity Celebration Week aims to change.

“Neurodiversity is as crucial for humans as biodiversity is for life in general.” *

The Challenges Faced by Neurodivergent Students

For many neurodivergent students, the journey through traditional education systems is fraught with hurdles. Academic and social challenges are compounded by environments that often do not cater to their unique learning and emotional needs. This can lead to heightened anxiety, a sense of alienation and difficulties in adapting to conventional teaching methods.

ELATT's Approach to Supporting Neurodivergent Students

ELATT, an educational institution with a strong commitment to supporting neurodiverse students, particularly those eyeing careers in the digital and tech sectors, offers an example of how to address these challenges. With a focus on small class sizes, personalised support, and a teaching assistant in every classroom, ELATT ensures that its students, who often require more support than is available in most colleges, receive the attention and care they need. This approach is especially crucial for students with conditions such as mild to moderate autism, ADHD and other neurological conditions as well as those facing physical disabilities.

The provision of on-site support, including education psychologists, counsellors, and emotional literacy assistants, underscores ELATT's understanding of its students' multifaceted needs. Acknowledging that high levels of anxiety can significantly hinder educational progress, ELATT's comprehensive support system is designed to restore confidence and competence in students who may feel discouraged by their past educational experiences.

Building Bridges to the Tech Industry

In addition to creating a supportive educational environment, ELATT extends its mission to bridge the gap between neurodivergent students and the digital and tech industries. Through partnerships with renowned tech and digital companies, ELATT facilitates work experiences and placements, ensuring a smoother transition for students from education to employment. These collaborations are not only beneficial for the students but also allow companies to tap into the unique perspectives and skills that neurodivergent individuals bring to the table.

“Studies and research from the likes of McKinsey have shown that diversity correlates with better financial performance, and Deloitte describe neurodiversity of thinking as the new frontier. However, there is a lack of more nuanced information about what specifically organisations need to do to genuinely become more neurodiverse.” *

Creating Neurodiversity-Friendly Environments

Creating an inclusive environment for neurodivergent individuals is a critical step towards building a society that values diversity and inclusivity. Here are five important steps towards creating neurodiversity-friendly environments:

  • Enhance Awareness and Education:
    Conduct training sessions for all staff/students to increase understanding of neurodiversity, covering topics such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other neurodivergent conditions. Awareness programs should emphasize the strengths and challenges associated with neurodiversity, debunk myths, and promote a culture of inclusivity.

  • Implement Personalized Accommodations:
    Recognise that each neurodivergent individual has unique needs. Offer personalised accommodations, such as flexible work or study schedules, quiet spaces for work or relaxation, permission to use noise-cancelling headphones, and alternative formats for communication and learning materials. Encourage individuals to communicate their needs openly, ensuring confidentiality and respect.

  • Foster Inclusive Communication:
    Adopt communication strategies that cater to diverse needs. This includes clear, concise instructions, visual supports, and the flexibility to use written communication when preferred. Creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing their preferred communication styles is key to fostering inclusivity.

  • Design Accessible Physical Spaces:
    Ensure that the physical environment supports neurodivergent individuals. This could involve creating sensory-friendly spaces with adjustable lighting and noise levels, providing quiet zones free from overwhelming sensory inputs, and ensuring that the layout and signage are clear and navigable for everyone, including those with sensory sensitivities.

  • Build a Supportive Community:
    Encourage peer support groups, mentorship programmes, and networking opportunities that connect neurodivergent individuals with allies and mentors. Promote an organisational culture that values diversity, encourages sharing of experiences and strategies, and actively involves neurodivergent voices in decision-making processes related to inclusivity initiatives.

By following these steps, workplaces and educational institutions can move towards creating environments that not only accommodate but also celebrate neurodiversity, leveraging the unique strengths and perspectives that neurodivergent individuals bring.

Neurodiversity Celebration Week serves as a vital reminder of the richness that neurodivergent individuals bring to our world. Through the dedicated efforts of institutions like ELATT and the broader community's commitment to inclusion, we can create spaces where every individual is valued and supported. Let us all take a step forward in celebrating neurodiversity, not just for one week, but all the time.

Credits and Resources:

* City & Guilds Neurodiversity Index Report

The official Neurodiversity Celebration Week website

10 STEPS to creating a neurodiverse inclusive environment, University of BATH

Supporting neurodiversity in education, UCL

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Maintaining Wellbeing During the Festive Season and Exam Term


As the festive season unfolds and exams draw near, we at the Wellbeing Service have prepared some essential tips to support you through your break and beyond. These tips are designed to help you maintain balance, reduce stress, and enhance your overall wellbeing during these busy times. You'll find practical advice below for navigating the festive season with ease and tackling exam stress with confidence.

Remember, taking care of your mental and physical health is key to your success and happiness. We hope these recommendations will be a valuable resource for you.

Happy studying and happy holidays!

Maintaining Wellbeing During the Festive Season

  1. Connect with Others
    Reach out to friends or join community events. Social connections can boost your mood and provide a sense of belonging. Whether it's a quick chat with a neighbour or attending a local event, these interactions can be incredibly uplifting. 

  2. Take Time for Yourself
    Set aside moments for relaxation and reflection. Whether it's reading a book or simply taking a quiet walk, these moments of solitude can help recharge your mental batteries and reduce stress.

  3. Practice Mindfulness and Breathwork
    Try mindfulness meditation and breathwork. These practices can help centre your thoughts, allowing you to feel calm and connect with your inner voice. Incorporating these techniques into your daily routine can significantly reduce stress and improve mental clarity. 

  4. Mindful Eating
    Enjoy holiday treats but balance them with nutritious meals. While it's tempting to indulge, mindful eating involves savouring your food and listening to your body's hunger cues. This balance helps maintain both physical health and mental wellbeing. 

  5. Practice Gratitude
    Take time each day to reflect on what you're thankful for. Gratitude can reduce stress and boost your mood by fostering a more positive outlook.

Recommendations for Exam Preparation 

  1. Create a Study Plan: Organise your study material and allocate specific times for each subject. A well-structured plan can reduce anxiety and enhance focus.
  2. Regular Breaks: Don't forget to take short breaks during study sessions. This helps in retaining information and prevents burnout. 
    • Try Pomodoro Technique: The Pomodoro Technique involves studying for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break. This helps maintain focus and prevents burnout. A simple online Pomodoro timer like TomatoTimer can be used to track these intervals.

  3. Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and engage in physical activities. A healthy body fosters a healthy mind.
    • Sleep Hygiene: Good sleep is essential for cognitive function and stress management. The Sleep Foundation offers tips and techniques for better sleep.
    • Physical Activity: Yoga or Quick Workouts: Engaging in yoga or quick 10-15 minute workout sessions can help relieve stress. You can try this Yoga for Beginners flow.
    • Healthy Eating: Nutritional Advice: Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial during exam times. Websites like NHS Eatwell Guide provide practical advice on balanced eating.

  4. Stress Reduction Practices: Utilise some practical techniques to stay calm and centred. Even a few minutes of deep breathing or meditation can significantly reduce stress.
    • Try the 5-4-3-2-1 Method: This method is a grounding exercise, and it can help to calm anxious thoughts and keep you focused and mindful in your environment.
    • Breathing Exercise: Breathing is a powerful tool to help calm the mind and reduce stress. Try Square Breathing practice to calm your nervous system. 

  5. Positive Visualization: Imagine yourself succeeding in your exams. Positive visualization can boost confidence and reduce exam-related anxiety.
    • Try Safe Place Visualisation: Having a safe place to imagine can be helpful during times of stress. You can check this practice to create your own safe place.  
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Tips To Relieve Exam Stress from the Wellbeing Service


tips to relieve exam stress infographic

Exams can be a stressful period, with the pressure to perform often leading to a heavy toll on both physical and mental health. Recognizing this, our Wellbeing Service is committed to providing you with support and guidance to navigate this challenging time. Our dedicated Workshop Leaders have curated a range of effective techniques and insightful advice to empower you in maintaining a balanced and healthy mindset.

From mindful practices to help you stay present and focused, to advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle that supports your cognitive function and energy levels, our Wellbeing Service is here to ensure you are not alone in this journey. We believe that your wellbeing is as essential as your success, and we are here to help you strike a balance between the two.

Remember, it's not just about getting through your exams; it's about developing sustainable habits and strategies that support your overall wellbeing in the long term. We hope that these techniques and tips from our Workshop Leaders will not only help you during this exam period but also equip you with valuable skills for managing stress and maintaining wellbeing in your future endeavours.

Simple and Effective Exercises from Buse:

ELATT Wellbeing Officer, Mindfulness & Compassion Teacher, Yoga Instructor

Breathing exercises can help to reduce stress and increase concentration. Here are a few you might find useful:

  • Square Breathing Exercise: Square breathing can shift your energy, connect you more deeply with your body, calm your nervous system, and reduce the stress in your body.
    You can click on the link and watch the video to practise it.
  • 4-7-8 Calm Breathing Exercise: The 4-7-8 rhythmic breathing is a core part of many meditation and yoga practices as it promotes relaxation and can also be used to help you fall asleep in a shorter period of time.
    You can click on the link and watch the video to practise it.
  • Coherent Breathing Exercise: Coherent Breathing is a technique of taking equally long, slow inhales and exhales, resulting in around 5 to 6 breaths per minute. It has been shown to be very calming through its effect on the nervous system and also improves heart rate variability (HRV).

    There are 2 breath cycles at the start with a chime to mark the beginning of each and a pulse - 4 in and 4 out, giving a rate of 5.5 breaths per minute. Follow the pulse if you need or just focus on the two shifting patterns sung by the choir. Sit nice and still and gently breathe through your nose into your belly.

    You can click on the link and watch the video to practise it.

    For optimal results, try practising coherent breathing for 10-20 minutes daily.

Please note: If you're pregnant or have a breath-related condition like asthma, please do not attempt the breathing exercises!

5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Practice:

infographic for reducing anxiety

This is a simple technique that can help you refocus and alleviate anxiety by bringing your attention to the present moment. By bringing awareness to your surroundings and engaging your senses, you create a grounding effect that helps you regain control and calm your mind. You can use this practice to calm down if you are feeling anxious.

Follow these steps:

  • Name five things you can see around you, such as a table, pen or tree.
  • Name four things you can feel. This step encourages you to connect with your physical sensations, such as the texture of your clothes, the feeling of the breeze on your skin, or the sensation of your feet on the ground.
  • Name three things you can hear. Like human or car sounds from outside, the chirping of birds, or the sound of your computer.
  • Name two things you can smell, such as the aroma of freshly brewed coffee or the perfume in the air.
  • Name one thing you can taste. You may notice the taste of a recent meal or drink in your mouth.

By engaging all of your senses in this exercise, you create a powerful anchor to the present moment, effectively reducing anxiety and helping you regain a sense of calm. The 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise can be performed anywhere and at any time, making it an invaluable tool to have in your mental health toolkit.

Tips on Diet from Marie-Anna:

Ex ELATT Student and Wellbeing Workshop Leader

Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet can help you feel better physically and mentally. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. These foods packed with nutrients help improve your mood, concentration, and energy levels.

  • Eat foods that are rich in magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that helps to relax the body and mind. Good sources of magnesium include leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
  • Eat foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and can help to improve mood and cognitive function. Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fish, flaxseed, and walnuts.
  • Avoid excessive intake of caffeine, sugary snacks, and processed foods, as they can negatively affect energy levels and concentration. Caffeine and sugar can cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, which can lead to fatigue and irritability. It's best to avoid these substances during exam time.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and difficulty in focusing. Water can help to improve concentration and energy levels.

Stay Active: Exercise is a great way to relieve stress, improve your mood and increase focus. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.

Sleep well: When you're well-rested, you're better able to cope with stress and perform at your best. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Easiest to say than to do? So don’t forget to:

Take Breaks and Relax: When you're feeling stressed, it's important to take breaks. Allow yourself regular breaks to relax and recharge. It helps clear your head and come back to your studies refreshed. Engage in activities you enjoy, such as hobbies, listening to music, or spending time with loved ones.

Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or teachers for emotional support. Sharing your concerns and seeking advice can help alleviate stress.

Wellbeing Tips from Mouda:

ELATT Student and Wellbeing Workshop Leader

Exams can be stressful on their own, but other things might cause you to feel worse. These might include Feeling like you're not ready or prepared for exams, like leaving revision too late. Worrying about how you'll feel and perform during the exam, especially when you don't know what will be in.

Keep gaps between revisions and drink lots of water. Try not to stress and revise the day before exams. Rather than copying notes, draw mind maps or images to help you remember information. Don't put so much pressure on yourself, take a deep breath.

While revising, focus on the one topic you're revising now, not on what else you still must cover. If you get stuck on a topic, leave it and come back when you're fresh. Ask for help from students, your tutor or your student support team if you need it.

If stress affects you, try to find ways to maintain a positive attitude and cultivate a positive approach during your revision. You could

  • Keep fit by taking some exercise you enjoy and relax, perhaps by sitting quietly or meditating eat well, but healthily
  • Get sufficient sleep
  • Take some planned time away from study, rather than feel you're avoiding revision
  • Be pleased with your achievements as you revise and reward yourself with an occasional treat

If I begin to panic during the exam, I say to myself STOP and then sit back and take several deep breaths to try to relax a little.

Stay positive, work hard, and make it happen! We believe in you.
We wish all our students and tutors all the best during the exam period!



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Enhancing Wellbeing Through ELATT's Holistic Education Approach


Enhancing Wellbeing Through ELATT's Holistic Education Approach

ELATT, a registered educational charity dedicated to addressing inequality challenges in London, goes beyond providing educational resources for adult students. With a holistic approach to education, ELATT also prioritizes the wellbeing of its students. We are proud to introduce the Wellbeing Service, offering safe and ethical assistance to students' wellbeing under clinical supervision.

ELATT’s Wellbeing Service: Supporting Your Journey

Our Wellbeing Service (WBS), led by trained experts, meets students where they are and collaboratively works towards fulfilling their needs. Our qualified wellbeing officers specialize in counselling skills, yoga, mindfulness, and creative therapies. Through group workshops and 1:1 sessions, we aim to help students manage stress, improve their physical and mental health, and enhance their overall wellbeing.

The service was founded on the principles of meeting students where they and co-producing the service to meet their needs. Co-production is implemented by regular student feedback, student surveys and interventions to gather information at regular intervals. The most useful advocacy for student voice is to have a student volunteer, and student workshop leaders. These ensure live feedback and input directly from the student base.

Group Workshops: Building Connections and Empowering Individuals

Our group workshops cover topics such as physical and mental health, art, practical tips on wellbeing, and the opportunity to share experiences with peers. These workshops provide emotional support and fresh perspectives, empowering adults in education to improve their self-esteem. By learning new things and sharing their experiences, individuals find a sense of purpose and increased self-esteem, fostering a greater sense of community and connection.

1:1 Sessions: Personalized Support for Meaningful Progress

In our 1:1 sessions, students receive personalized attention to address their specific needs. From stress management to coping strategies and overall quality of life improvement, our Wellbeing Service ensures tailored support for each student's journey toward better mental health. Our Wellbeing Officers, receive supervision from a qualified supervisor to maintain ethical guidelines and ensure safe practise.

Volunteer Opportunities: Make a Meaningful Impact by Sharing Your Skills and Talents

The success of our regular workshops depends on the dedicated volunteers of the Wellbeing Service. Alongside internal support, we welcome professionals from outside ELATT to share their skills and talents, creating a well-rounded education experience. Moreover, ELATT students have the chance to become workshop leaders themselves, contributing their valuable skills. If you have a passion for giving back and want to make a difference, the WBS offers a volunteer opportunity where you can learn new skills and gain experience in the mental health and wellbeing field.

At ELATT, we value student wellbeing as the foundation of learning. With trained experts supporting our holistic approach, we ensure that our students receive comprehensive support for their mental health and overall wellbeing. We encourage all ELATT adult students to take advantage of our Wellbeing Service and benefit from this invaluable resource.

If you are not an ELATT student yet, become a part of our inclusive learning community now and embark on an empowering journey of growth and personal development.

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Another winter is coming! How to protect yourself from Covid 19: UKHSA's advice


Experience from these past two years has taught us that cold weather is not our best ally in limiting the spread of diseases. Colds, flu cases, and other respiratory illnesses are more common in colder months. ELATT intends to raise awareness on how to protect yourself from COVID-19-according to UK Health Security Agency guidelines. We also care about the people in our community and want to spread as much knowledge as possible to give everyone equal access of knowledge to important information on protecting oneself but also others surrounding.

Guess what! If you are considered vulnerable or related to someone considered vulnerable, it is the perfect chance to let you and them know that the NHS will soon offer covid-19 autumn boosters!

Now, what does this mean for you?

If you are 50 years and older, resident in a care home for older people, aged five years and over in a clinical risk group, or have a weakened immune system, expect to be offered a COVID-19 Autumn Booster between September and December!

Why do I need an Autumn Booster?

  • To build your protection against severe illness before this winter
  • To reduce risk of being admitted to the hospital with COVID-19

Are you a Tower Hamlets resident? If so, where can I get my booster?

The Autumn Booster is accessible among many pharmacies throughout Tower Hamlets Borough. Whether you live in Whitechapel, Bethnal Green or Mile End, Canary Wharf, or Aldgate, you might live next door to a pharmacy that offers consultations and vaccinations. You can view the list of pharmacies in Tower Hamlets below:

Pharmacies (COVID-19 Consultations and *Vaccinations):

  • *Chapel Pharmacy | 139 Cannon Street, E1 2LX (MSOA: Aldgate)
  • *Green Light Pharmacy | 115 Harford St, E1 4FG (MSOA: Limehouse North & Stepney East)
  • *Green Light Pharmacy | 2 Hannaford Walk, E3 3FF (MSOA: Bromley-by-Bow East)
  • *Jaypharm Pharmacy | 361 Commercial Road, E1 2PS (MSOA: Whitechapel)
  • *Kamsons Pharmacy | 18 Stroudley Walk, E3 3EW (MSOA: Bromley-by-Bow East)
  • *Lansbury Pharmacy | 85 Chrisp Street, London E14 6GG (MSOA: Poplar Leaside)
  • *Lincoln Pharmacy | 124 St Paul's Way, E3 4QA (MSOA: Mile End East & Burdett Estate)
  • *Sai Chemist | 19 Stable Walk, E1 8EJ (MSOA: Aldgate)
  • *Shantys Pharmacy | 253 Whitechapel Rd, London E1 1DB (MSOA: Bethnal Green South)
  • Ali's Chemist | 93 Watney St, E1 2QE (MSOA: Shadwell Basin & Ratcliffe)
  • Bell Pharmacy | 534 Roman Rd, E3 5ES (MSOA: Bow North & Fish Island)
  • Britannia Pharmacy | 257-259 Poplar High Street, E14 0BE (MSOA: Blackwall & Leamouth)
  • Britannia Pharmacy | 35 Aberfeldy Street, London E14 0NU (MSOA: Poplar Central)
  • Britannia Pharmacy | 80 Roman Road, London E2 0PG (MSOA: Bethnal Green East)
  • Britannia Pharmacy - ASDA | Unit 9 ASDA, 151 East Ferry Road, E14 3BB (MSOA: Mudchute)
  • Britannia Pharmacy - Barkantine | 121 Westferry Road, London E14 8JH (MSOA: Canary Wharf)
  • Nash Chemist | 817 Commercial Road, London E14 7HG (MSOA: Limehouse East)
  • Regionchoice Pharmacy Ltd | 68 Cambridge Heath Rd, E1 5QJ (MSOA: Bethnal Green Central)

Other Pharmacies (*COVID-19 Vaccinations)

  • *Boots | Unit 15 Jubilee Place 45 Bank Street, E14 5NY (MSOA: Canary Wharf)
  • *Forward Pharmacy | 648 Mile End Road, E3 4LH (MSOA: Mile End East & Burdett Estate)
  • *Columbia Pharmacy | 104 Columbia Road, E2 7QB (MSOA: Columbia Road)
  • *Jaypharm Chemist (off-site) | 4 Brayford Square, E1 0SG (MSOA: Stepney Green)
  • *Tower Pharmacy | 50 Wapping Lane, E1W 2RL (MSOA: Tower Hill & Wapping South)

Although Covid-19 might not be a hot-topic anymore, and might seem like part of our past, it is important to still follow NHS guidelines and advice on how to prevent diseases and to not fall in the trap of taking late action.

Common side effects for all Covid-19 vaccines include:

  • Feeling tired
  • Headache
  • General aches or mild flu-like systems

You should seek medical advice, if you feel that you have experienced serious side effects such as:

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Feelings of a pounding heart

ELATT wishes you the best of health for this winter. Hopefully, if you are a Tower Hamlet resident, you now have a better and more precise idea of getting your Covid-19 Autumn booster. For further information or enquiries to get a Covid-19 booster, click here to follow the guidelines.

Veronica Gianelli

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ELATT Wellbeing Service

blog-wellbeing-service Wellbeing photo

ELATT is proud to announce our new Wellbeing Service, led by Wellbeing Officer Zelda. Below is a list of activities the service is running. If you are an ELATT student & would like to sign up please complete the sign up form here.

Play into Safety – Psychoeducation With Marta
"Marta is an English-speaking Spanish clinical psychologist, maker and educator. She is now living in Spain delivering these workshops online. She says this series of psychoeducation workshops aims to: Make learning easier and more enjoyable - strategies to learn while looking after yourself."

Find Yourself in the Picture: Looking at Contemporary Art with Sabine
Have you noticed that spending time in a museum makes you calm & focused? Have you often felt that looking at artworks - really looking - ignites a little fire in your brain? That discussing a topic with others gives you a sense of connection and wellbeing? Then this contemporary art engagement session with art historian Sabine Casparie is for you. At the core of Sabine's sessions is the belief that art is for everyone, and that witnessing and using creativity can enrich our lives and increase our sense of wellbeing.

Book Club with Jane
During the club we will discuss:

  • tips and tricks on how to read in English
  • what to read so you don’t get too tired- this can make you give up trying to read more
  • ideas and thoughts from books

And of course, we will inspire each other to go on reading!

Nutrition with Marie-Anna
People have so many ways of thinking about healthy diet. It’s a good basis to know how to make good and happy choices. This workshop focuses on the meaning of healthy eating with short activities on how to make a healthy meal.

Crafts with Yrang Crafts-
This session will be focused on seasonal DIY crafts using things you would have around your home.
“I have always had a strong interest in arts and crafts. In the UK where materials are costly, I find ways to put my hands into action. love arts and crafts. I run workshops for children and adults.”

Peer support groups –
This is a social group. You can speak freely about any needs you may have.  It is a support group. Everything we discuss is kept within the group, and not to be discussed outside of this, so you are free to speak and explore.
You are welcome to bring anything that helps you to relax, a cushion, some sewing, a guitar, a cookery tip. We can talk about what you do to stay well.

30 minute mindfulness and yoga with Buse
You are welcome to join these wellbeing workshops on meditation & yoga. No experience necessary. In this workshop series, we will learn about and practice mindfulness and breathwork. It helps regulate emotions, improve concentration and encourage you to experience & enjoy every moment.



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2002 Hits

Coronavirus Support

blog-coronavirus-support Person holding leaf

Learn more about how you can get support from various resources during the pandemic:

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1801 Hits

Health Champions


Find the full array of posts regarding our Health Champions here:

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1828 Hits

ELATT Sixth Form: Anti-Bullying Campaign


Over the last few days, a few of our Sixth Form software development students worked on designing and building some fantastic interactive educational websites to raise awareness of anti-bullying as part of Anti-Bullying Week. You can follow the link below to experience their work!

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2476 Hits

Conversation Clubs Update

Conversation Clubs are an opportunity for ELATT’s language learners to practise their English speaking skills and develop confidence in a fun, informal environment.

These clubs also give ELATT students an opportunity to become organisers themselves – contributing to the community while gaining skills and experience. Our teaching assistant students in particular find this experience a useful addition to their CVs.

This is an area ELATT has long been involved in. Our very own Nafisah recently completed her PhD on Social Interactions in English and is now Dr Graham-Brown. As part of her research, she led ELATT’s involvement in an Erasmus project on Volunteers in Language Education, working together with community organisations from Slovenia, Denmark and the Netherlands

Earlier this year, our Volunteer Manager, Yvonne Ackuaku, and three of our Conversation Club volunteers – Pascale, Gertrude and Izabel – were filmed about their conversation club experience as part of a Learning & Work Institute / Learning Unlimited project funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

You can see the four videos here:

The project also produced 15 units on a range of topics. These flexible and adaptable resources are designed to meet the needs of the huge range of conversation clubs across the UK. It was an exciting writing project which our Quality lead, Helen Rankin, was thrilled to be involved in as an LU Associate.

You can see the 15 units and the accompanying guides here:

Our current challenge is to build on the initial success in adapting conversation clubs to run online during the Covid-19 crisis. Despite the unfamiliar environment of Zoom, participants – including new joiners – have been able to bond and to discuss personal issues, including Black Lives Matter, in a supportive and constructive way.

If you would like to become an ESOL volunteer, please contact:
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If you would like to join a conversation club, complete an ESOL enrolment form online:

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