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BLM Artwork Collage

BLM Artwork Collage

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Justice - Nazia Zakaria

They laugh….
They scorn….
They mock…. 

They rip our spirits apart,

They really want to shake and break us,
They believe they are superior to others,
They use words as weapons,
They believe money, status, race is their privilege and power, 

I hear their cruel whispers and bitter lies,
I see their hatred filled hostile eyes,

They need to change their selfish ways, 

There should be no more fears or tears,
No more pain, no hurt or shame, no more suffering,

I’m not happy, you’re not happy, we’re not happy,

Let’s not hide behind our doors,
It’s about time there was a change,

What are we going to do about this disastrous dividing mess?

Stand up for what’s right,
Let there be no more wrong,

Let us relearn,
Let’s educate these people with beastly hearts,

Let your voices be valued and heard,
Make some noise to change this world,
Speak up, shout out,

Restore balance in life,
Come together as one,

Let’s close these open wounds,
Let’s make a fresh new start,

Justice is a hand extended,
Justice is a shout for what’s fair and right,
Let justice shine its light ever so bright,
Let’s build a future that’s bigger, better and ever so just! 

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2483 Hits

Justice - Eneinta Zekiai

It’s easy to be good,
it’s hard to be right.

The cry of the poor is
not always right
but if you do not listen
to it, you will not know
what the justice is. 

Justice is what the world lacks,
is not charity.

It rains on the right
and on the unjust,
but on the right
it falls more,
because the unjust
steals the umbrella.

It’s better endanger
and release a guilty person
than to punish an innocent one.

The insults we inflict on
those who treat us
are not measured
in the same way.

There are cases when
justice and law are
cousins so far away
that they don’t even
talk to themselves. 

Justice without force
and force without justice
are two misfortunes.

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2541 Hits

Justice - Margarita Tsigka

Be yourself and not being someone else otherwise you will be treated different.
Justice is not true only a few people believe in you.
Grab the chance in life and show them that you are not lie.
Move into the action to make your future full of reactions.

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2427 Hits

Peace - Winta Abraham

My name is Winta Abraham, I'm 16 and I come from Eritrea. In this picture you can see me and my Foster Mum, Yeshi, from Ethiopia. You can see things from my country: coffee and injera, a delicious food. It says 'Don't Shoot' because I don't want people to get shot any more. It's called 'Peace', because when you stop shooting, there will be peace.

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March - Jade


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Life is Miserable - Ali


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Poem - Cosmo Dub

We once all knew that many from one is natural and a beautiful thing.

On first contact, dark-skinned cultures welcomed outsiders as kings.
But messenger, is the root of this word king. 
Not dominator. That's retarded and blashpheming.

A false notion of God is what allows racism.
For 12 hundred years, embedded in the western system.
To fight against racism is to outgrow their white God thing.
So Atheism is rife, but Steppers know a higher thing.

Go back to the roots, but how far do you go back?
Not just Jesus, the oldest body found in England was black.
Egyptian civilisation was seeded from Scotland. Process that.
These concepts transcend race, so powerful Christians hide facts.

No one grows a garden with just one type of flower.
To do that, is to deny the range, of Ra's power.

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2525 Hits

Artwork - Djessy Kinkela

Djessy Kinkela - 3756 L1/2 Functional Skills English.

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Artwork - Prosper Kouayep

Prosper Kouayep, 3757 L1/2 Functional Skills English.

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